Understanding Consumer Psychology: What they Love to See

Don’t make a fool of yourself by thinking that you can convert your audience into customers by describing how amazing your products are –trust me, it never works!! You have to understand customer psychology to make sales and grow your business.

We are not denying the power of good SEO optimization in product descriptions. It undoubtedly plays a vital role in bringing the product in the audience’s sight. But after SEO, brand language takes over and helps customers decide whether to spend their money or not.

Once you understand consumer psychology, you will eventually earn loyal customers!

Now you must be thinking:

What is the psychology behind branding?

People treat brands like humans. They look for the same personality and elegance in brand as they wish to see in other people. For example, patriotic advertisements generate more sales than others. Ever thought why? Because it connects people emotionally.

A great brand strategy includes the art of creating an emotional connection to the brand and understanding the role of customer psychology in the buyer’s journey.

How do brands use customer psychology?

Brands use consumer psychology by targeting their audience, studying them, and then transforming themselves into what their audience will be looking for. It is crucial because people make brands their identity when connected to them emotionally. As a result, the brand sells more, boosts profits and revenues.

What makes customers loyal to a brand?

Customers become loyal to brands that connect with them in a very natural way. When brands are more likely to understand customer psychology, customers fall for it regardless of price. They try more products from the same brand instead of buying from other brands.

Word of mouth plays a critical role in business branding. When your happy customers recommend products to their friends and family, brand identity is strengthened and your customer base increases without actually spending a single penny.

How do you want customers to feel about your brand?

Every brand wants their customer to love their products which is not easy. Brands need to study their customers, understand them, build relationships, reward them, and keep the conversation flowing.

So here’s the list of things you can do to improve your brand into something your customer loves to see.

A Customer-Centered Brand Wins

Make your customers happy because negativity never brings good in anything, and the same stays true for business banding!

Staying in a positive environment boosts one’s confidence and makes one feel good about everything. People want to be surrounded by positive – people or brands!

So try to be more positive and friendly. If you do so, you will be applying customer psychology to attract your customers and positively earn their trust.
See what Starface did there:

-No Branding, just some kind & positive words!

This is true even when it comes to brand marketing. Customers are more likely to trust positive emotions, which can be reflected in the brand’s message or real-time experience.

Show Consistency in Communication

Understanding customer psychology is essential to develop rich marketing communications. It helps the brand to communicate its message using customer feedback and personal experiences. That is already made easy by social media channels.

To some brands, consistency is comfort. According to them, consistency prevents them from facing sudden changes or difficulties that they don’t understand. On the other hand, some say business rebranding is a high-risk venture that is always critical, but it’s worth a shot.

Consistency in communication is key to creating a safe environment for customers and ensuring that the brand-customer relationship thrives. Once customers and brands are comfortable communicating in the same language, you can adapt it later to build customer loyalty.

State Your Mission

This is the right place to apply customer psychology –connect them emotionally. Be honest and tell your story. Brands with a story are more likely to become famous than those who underestimated the brand story by not telling it. 

Tell them about your future plans, mission, and why you are in the industry. Consumers will feel connected and support the brand if they know the history.

Define Your Target Audience

Before investing time and money to market your brand, do your research to identify your target market! Without knowing the parameters of the target market and their preferences you will not be able to scale your brand. 

Start by idolizing your competitor and dig into their customer base. Use this data to get insights on what these people loved most and what was a turn-off for them. By doing this, you significantly decrease the risk of failure and better understand consumer psychology. This will help you create the best marketing campaign –just what your customers would love to see!  

Write a Relevant Tagline

While deciding your brand tagline, make sure to use a sentence that represents your brand’s authenticity and purpose. You can choose to add humor to trigger customer psychology and convey your brand message at the same time. 

Taglines take out the guesswork and make a brand’s message crystal clear in human language. So do not ever compromise on a tagline as it helps you stand apart from others.

Decide Brand Color Scheme Carefully

The color you choose in your brand designs entirely represents your existence. Be it your logo, website color theme, social media posts, or any other marketing material, stick to the single color that you think would appeal to your audience. 

For eg, for the marketing videos, you can create an eyecatching thumbnail with a thumbnail maker using the brand color scheme that your target audience can quickly identify. You can do the same for other marketing materials including your social media posts. 

So when you see the color Champagne pink, Kylie Cosmetics appears in your mind.

Do you see what just happened there? She doesn’t own the color, but she chose one and made it her brand’s theme. You have to do the same by learning more about color psychology and applying it. While choosing your color scheme, keep a log of what services you provide. It helps you decide the color pallet of your brand!

Be Open to Change when it’s necessary

Remember the time back in 2002, Yahoo denied the offer to buy Google for $5 Billion. Don’t make the same mistake that Yahoo did. Change is good, so be open to it and rebrand as time passes. But stay relevant to your objective while making changes. It will help you grow just like the growing needs of your brand-loyal customers.

Just remember any change that you make should not be hurt customers feelings. 


People look for human nature in brands. They look for something that matches their preferences and speaks to them emotionally. Therefore, a brand needs to work according to its customer psychology. 

Whether it be marketing, startup, rebranding, or improving customer service. Brands need to be aware of emotions and how they can transform their business to the next level.

What customer psychology strategies do you incorporate into your business branding. Let us know in the comment section below.